Orientacija in tek

Uporaba GPSa v orientacijskem teku
Predstavitev GPS  (Jan Kocbach)
GPS-analysis: Revolution for analysis of technique in the sport of orienteering presented at Norvegian Olympic comitte reserch conference. 
Članek o uporabi GPS + Quickroute 1
Članek o uporabi GPS + Quickroute 2
Članek o uporabi GPS Logger
QuickRoute allows you to display a route from a GPS device
Digital orienteering map archive 
GPS logger i-gotU (dovoljen pripomoček za trening / tekme)
Software za GPS logger i-gotU
GPS sistem / trening + tekmovanja; predvsem tekme v Skandinaviji 
Replay GPS o-tekme (GPPSeuranta)

Tekaški trening  
Lydiard fundation
Lydiard system
USA, Arthur Lydiard's Athletic Training
Kenyan Training
Stran o različnih trening programih

Keep in mind that one of the reasons Lydiard-type training works so well in developing nations is because the children there typically have a big base simply because running is their primary means of transportation. Hit a developed-world teenager with that kind of mileage and they'll break quickly. I'm a big advocate of high-mileage training, but only after a sufficient base has been established. What constitutes a sufficient base is the subject of some debate; I'd put it at 10 hours per week for five years, followed by 15 hours a week for another 5, but others who know more than me would say that's conversvative. I use those numbers simply because that's what I did between ages 8 and 18 and I've never had problems with overuse injuries. 
Eric Buckley, 1963, Saint Louis, MO, USA